

Why Use an EAP?

Your Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a service provided by your organization with no out-of-pocket expense, as a benefit to you. It is designed to offer you and your immediate family members short-term, confidential counseling services, in a safe, confidential, environment, with professional therapists who hold masters or doctoral degrees in counseling and who are trained to assist with personal or work-related issues.

Personal problems affecting your home or work may be resolved by working through your EAP

Most people experience personal or family-related challenges in the course of their everyday lives. A variety of problems that create difficulties and hardships at home and at work can be resolved through your EAP. Seeking assistance early will help to reduce the potential of the problem escalating and requiring possibly more extensive and also more expensive services

Your organization has recognized the fact that most difficulties can be resolved successfully if identified in the early stages, and appropriate assistance is offered and received.

What types of issues can be resolved through the EAP?

  • Emotional Problems
  • Work-Related Issues
  • Alcohol
  • Substance Abuse
  • Family
  • Anxiety
  • Personal Issues
  • Eating Disorders
  • Crisis
  • Stress
  • Others

Many issues are resolved with short-term counseling sessions. There are times, however, when RMEAP therapists may decide, in consultation with you, that a referral to a professional outside of the scope of the EAP, would be in your best interest. If a referral is made, the therapist would ensure that confidentiality is maintained and that you receive the assistance you require, your therapist will make every effort to direct you to a professional covered under your insurance plan.


The discussions that take place between you and your RMEAP therapist are strictly confidential. Personal information, or discussions of problems, is not divulged to anyone, including your employer, without your written consent and approval. (The only exceptions made are governed by the law to protect innocent individuals threatened by violence, bodily harm or required by a court order, subpoena or other legal processes.)

Can my family use the EAP?

Utilization of RMEAP is purely voluntary, and is available to you, and your immediate family dependants to access the EAP. All that is required is that you call one of the numbers listed on the brochure to schedule an appointment. Individuals within your family may also call for themselves, or other family members. Remember it is confidential-neither your family, organization or your co-workers will have knowledge of your request for assistance.

Supervisors also concerned with work performance are encouraged to refer employees to RMEAP services, but remember it is confidential, and feedback regarding an individual, is only granted with written authorization from the employee concerned.

Your EAP Provides:

Professional therapists who hold a masters or doctoral degree in counseling, and who are trained to assist in personal or work-related issues.

Confidential counseling for you and your immediate family dependents.

No out-of-pocket expense to you.

Therapists located within most communities, offering prompt, convenient, accessible and confidential counseling services.

Referrals to professionals outside of the scope of the EAP, but, if possible, associated with your insurance coverage/provider.

Referrals to programs, community services Legal Aid, etc., if required or necessary.

Toll-free 24-Hour hotline.

If you have questions, require further information, or to arrange an appointment with an EAP Therapist located in your community, call: Rocky Mountain EAP, 1(866) – 260 – 9490 or fill out the request form below and submit.