Human Resource

Human Resource

A large percentage of employees across America have reported that balancing the demands of both work and home is becoming increasingly more difficult. Studies have shown those employees who experience high levels of stress at home or work are more likely to be tardy or absent, use more health benefits, are less productive, have more accidents, and experience greater turnover. Rocky Mountain EAP believes that the best health care is delivered in a preventive fashion. An Employee Assistance Program is an effective vehicle for delivering a cost effective, and confidential preventative behavioral care package to employees and their dependent family members.

A valuable asset and an addition to an employee’s benefits package.

Emphasizes early intervention when confronting today’s life issues.

Encourages employees and managers to take preventative action early rather than later.

Offers easy access to professional and confidential counseling.

Typically offered at no out-of-pocket expense to the employee or their immediate family dependents.

EAP services are for the employee who does not present with serious clinical issues, but rather with a series of life challenges. The EAP provides assistance with clarification of the problem, development of an organized approach to problem solving, and identification of both personal and available community resources that can be utilized to reach that goal.

Rocky Mountain EAP is committed to assisting employee’s return to full productivity as soon as possible. RMEAP is distinct in its workplace focus, and it is designed to:
Quickly identify and respond to employee and dependent personal problems;

Assist employees restore and maintain high levels of productivity;

Reduce absenteeism, tardiness, and accidents that may result from employee personal issues that impact their performance;

Assist customers in retaining valuable employees;

Improve management’s ability to recognize and respond decisively to employees who are experiencing alcohol and other substance abuse-related issues that impact performance;

Provide a means for employees and their families to get assistance in a crisis or when personal problems interfere with their performance and/or quality of life;

Reduce overall health care costs

Be flexible to the specific needs of an organization, can assist troubled employees with personal coping strategies that will reduce problems that interfere with their work and personal lives.

Supervisors / Managers: Have access to RMEAP not only for counseling assistance associated with their own personal problems, but also to services that will assist in the management of employees.

EAP Services: RMEAP excels at delivering a comprehensive and flexible package of services that address all aspects of employee and supervisor assistance.

Referral to a Counselor or Community Resource: We make referrals to a variety of therapists and agencies based on the need and preferences of the EAP client and the professional qualification and specialties of the counselors. We help clients make contact and arrange the first appointment.

Individual Assessment and Brief Problem Intervention: The EAP therapist conducts an initial assessment that addresses both the behavioral health areas of a client as well as the other stressors and circumstances which might be troubling. When short-term counseling is appropriate, the EAP counselor and the client identify and evaluate the problem, seek immediate problem resolution when possible, and reach agreement on those problems that require further assistance.

24-Hr Toll-Free Hotline – Available to employees, dependent family members who have reached a stage in their lives where issues/concerns have reached crisis proportions, and an immediate response is paramount. Our toll-free hotline # is available 24/7.

Routine Appointment: Routine appointments are offered to EAP participants within three (3) business days of the initial referral date.

Urgent and Emergency Appointments: All EAP providers have been requested to handle emergency and urgent appointments. These emergency and urgent assessments would be conducted on an immediate basis:

Urgent appointments within 24 hours.
Conduct Emergency case reviews within 6–8 hours.
Employee Orientation: Designed to promote the use of the program, the sessions range from 20 – 40 minutes in duration for approximately 10–20 employees at a time, (this is to accommodate individuals who find it difficult to ask questions in large groups). These sessions are done on a yearly basis, or on an as-needed basis. They can also be segmented into other meeting to accommodate time restraints.
Supervisory Training: Specialized training sessions are designed to assist managers/supervisors in identifing troubled employees and make effective referrals to the EAP. Sessions can be tailored to meet the needs of the organization, i.e. ADA, Drug-Free Workplace, DOT Training, etc.

Consultation for Management and Supervisors: RMEAP offers consulting on workplace issues that have a behavioral component or likely to involve the EAP, i.e. assisting employees who have difficulty dealing with their personal issues while at work.

Critical Incident Stress Management: Assists individuals and organizations deal with traumatic events. RMEAP conducts debriefings, makes available materials to educate employees about normal emotional responses to tragedy and encourage employees to draw on the EAP for continuing assistance and support.

Drug Free Workplace Training and Consultation: Through training and individual consultation, RMEAP assists supervisors in understand the process, evaluation and treatment of addiction; identify classes of drugs and their effects, both physical and psychological; recognize signs and symptoms of substance abuse in the workplace; and relate substance abuse to job descriptions, performance documentation, problem identification, supervisor interventions, and organizational policies dealing with substance abuse.

Satisfaction Measurement: RMEAP asks a random sample of EAP clients to complete a satisfaction survey that includes a variety of questions evaluating the referral process, the Therapy they received, and the counseling office procedures, as well as their overall satisfaction with EAP services. The client is also invited to write in comments on the services.

Quarterly Reports: Reports are provided to EAP accounts that summarize utilization patterns and include the number of individuals served, the number of visits, the general categories of problems addressed, and the referral resources utilized.